Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dying To Knit lolz

I have about 6 days untill i return to school and am once again reunited with my needles n yarn. I don't know what possed me to leave them behind for the summer break but luckily it will be over soon. I've been looking at different knitting blogs and i found one i really like its called Two Swallows. I like her style and her pieces are gorgeous! lolz. It will be awhile before i can pull off any of those pieces but im getting there, ive come a long way from knitting strange shapes and trying to pass them of for scarves..lmao Another thing i discovered was that someone actually reads my blog!! which is amazing and might hint to me being totally hopeless because of how happy I am about that but i dont care!! lol Thank you very much for who ever is reading this and please continue to do so =)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Back In Bussines

Wow it has been such a long time since i last posted, due to a broken hand sometime around may then add in finals and summer break to that equation and you get a blank blog lolz. Well i broke my hand in karate and so was out of comission for the better part of a month and a half. I was really devastated when it happend, not so much b/c of the pain but unfinished projects i left behind. But now thats all said and done i am fully healed and dying to start knitting again!!!

I even bought a brand new book called The Knitters Bible: Knitted Accessories by Claire Crompton. It is a really nice book with about 30 projects ranging from scarves to hodies. I really like her explenations about the diffrent yarns and how to mix them. She uses alot of colors and diffrent yarns to make her projects which i just love.

I cant wait to start school again. I got the RA job meaning Resident Advisor and so i get my own room!! which is great but i also get alot of experience in dealing with college kids which helps me alot in my major. Well im out, about to watch a movie to pass the time.